Monday, October 13, 2008

Exposure Compensation Button.

Lets start by admitting I am not a photographer but I am keen to be able to take a satisfactory image of my work, both finished and work-in-progress. To this end I purchased a couple of flash units and when I was learning to use them I was given an excellent tip. So this is mostly a reminder to me to use the exposure compensation button.

On my Digital SLR there is a button with + and – signs on it. This is the exposure compensation button. Use this to adjust the exposure in a situation where the cameras light meter can become confused, for example flash photography.

There is an excellent explanation on the dpexpert website - you will need to search under the title THE BLEEDING OBVIOUS.

The accompanying photograph was taken at Floriade in Canberra. I didn’t actually use the exposure compensation button for this picture but choosing to shoot where the tulips were in shade - diffuse light - worked well.

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